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HomeNewsIt's back: Introducing Crime Watch Northern Beaches

It’s back: Introducing Crime Watch Northern Beaches

Re-introducing to the Northern Beaches a weekly wrap up of local crimes and incidents that Northern Beaches Police Area Command are seeking further information on, as used to be regularly printed as Street Watch when the Manly Daily was a print newspaper.

If you saw or can help with any of the below incidents, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or here. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. You can also contact Dee Why Police Station 9971 3399

Manly: 9:00pm Saturday 21 September – stolen cars

Between 9:00pm and 9:30pm on Saturday 21 September, thieves have taken two cars from Stuart St in Manly. They abandoned the first a short distance away, leaving the engine running. The second, a 2016 Nissan station wagon, was found abandoned with its engine running about four hours later at East Lindfield after being spotted by local Highway Patrol police travelling at high speed on the Eastern Arterial Rd.

Warriewood: 1:00am Sunday 22 September 

Northern Beaches police are hoping to talk to those travelling on the B-line bus from the city at about 1:00am on Sunday 22 September when a man was assaulted by a group of youths. The victim suffered grazes to his head and face.

Brookvale: 3:00pm Sunday 22 September 

Can you help with information about the theft of dresses worth about $4,000 from a store at Warringah Mall? Northern Beaches police would particularly like to talk to a woman with pale complexion, of medium build with long, dark red-tinged hair who was wearing a face mask.

Manly: 2:20am Sunday 22 September 

Were you on the Corso near Darley Rd at Manly a little after 2:00am on Sunday 22 September when two groups started arguing? A young man was punched, hitting his head on the ground when he fell. The 20-year old spent several days in hospital being treated for his injuries. Northern Beaches police would like to talk to a male, about 20-years old wearing a black t-shirt, black pants and a black, backwards facing cap.

Avalon: Saturday 21 into Sunday 22 September 

Northern Beaches police would like to talk to anyone who saw the person or people who climbed onto the balcony of the Avalon Beach cinema complex and awning of the neighbouring business overnight on Saturday to daub offensive slogans.

Warriewood: 11:40am and 7:00pm Saturday 21 September 

Northern Beaches police are looking for two young males who stole spirits from a Warriewood bottle shop just before noon on Saturday 21 September and again at around 7:00pm that night. One is described as being about 20-years old and the other about 17. Both are believed to be locals.

Warriewood: 6:35pm Monday 23 September 

Two young males, possibly the same two as above, have walked into a Warriewood bottle shop on Monday 23 September evening to steal spirits and mixers.

Mona Vale and Newport: last week (16 to 22 September) – theft of number plates

Thieves have taken number plates from a motorcycle and trailer at Mona Vale and a ute at Newport. If you can help with these incidents or see anyone looking suspicious around vehicles in the area, please get in touch through Crime Stoppers.


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