Nurses and Midwives at Northern Beaches Hospital have just called a strike.
Hospital operator Healthscope were advised at closed of business of the industrial action this evening, 17 February, that members of the hospital’s NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) Northern Beaches Hospital Branch will take strike action for 24 hours starting this Friday morning, 21 February at 6am and ending Saturday morning at 8am. All emergency care will continue as usual.
Manly Observer was told by those intending to strike that they had heard next to nothing from their employer since their last strike action on 5 November and they continue to have serious concerns about the lack of staff to patient ratios at the hospital (unlike public hospitals) as well as pay and conditions...
What’s Next for the Northern Beaches? Public Forum Announced
The construction of a new industrial building in Brookvale in this Week’s Council Development...
This Week’s Council Development Applications