Premier Gladys Berejiklian has just held a press conference warning that NSW may be about to experience a one in 20 year rain event, with heavy rains forecast in many areas – including the Northern Beaches – right through to Thursday.

As at 4pm today, 20 March, 43 mm of rain had already fallen at Terrey Hills since 9am, but that doesn’t tell half the story! Manly Hydraulics Lab reports 131mm in Manly in the last 24 hours – a whipping 47 mm in Manly CBD in the last three hours!

We will keep this as our rolling weather thread, with a few important links for easy access to use as needed throughout the week, but before we dive into the wet doom and gloom, let’s take a moment to watch the thrill ride some North Curl Curl kids (and their folks) have created to have some fun on an otherwise miserable weather day!
The need to know
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.
Northern Beaches Police have asked people to avoid non essential travel by road. With soil saturated there could be a number of trees down bringing power lines down with them.
Current weather across eastern parts of coastal NSW are seeing significant impacts from flood and storm conditions. Some areas have seen floods of record and with saturated catchments and further predicted rainfall, this is a potential life-threatening weather event.
The NSW SES is asking all people in areas impacted by floods and storms to monitor the situation closely and act on all advice given by emergency services immediately.
Road closures
Stay up to date with traffic conditions and road closures over the week here.
Extreme weather to continue
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) held a press conference today (Saturday 20 March) to advise that extreme weather warnings are current and much of NSW, including Northern Sydney and areas waterways are on flood watch. Persistent and increasing showers will increase the risk of flooding in affected areas today and through the weekend, they said.
For an up-to-date list of the most recent warnings, please follow this link: