Looking for results? You can view the current vote count for each ward here
Previously: Registered voters will be electing new councillors for the Northern Beaches on 14 September 2024. Here you will find helpful links about pre-polling, polling booth locations, candidates in order of ballot draw, and hear from candidates why they want you to vote for them. Each candidate has been provided equal space and identical questions, and no part of our election coverage is sponsored in any way.
For information on why there are no formal Liberal candidates, read our articles here. Our coverage of the recent ballot draw is here.
Check your enrolment details and find out which ward you are in here.
Where do I vote? We have included the voting locations and links for each ward below.
Want to vote early in Northern Beaches Council elections?
Postal votes must be submitted before 5pm on 9 September. Learn about how to do that here. You can also pre-poll vote from 7 September until 13 September (excluding Sunday). The locations of the pre-polling booths are in blue in the maps below, just click in the picture.
Group A: Good for Manly
Candy Bingham
Taylah Schrader
Peter Greentree

Main candidate spotlight: Candy Bingham
Why should we vote for you?
I have 12 years’ experience as a Councillor, four as Deputy Mayor. As a third-generation Manlyite I am passionate about the area. Manly is the gateway to the Northern Beaches and a major tourist area. Having saved the iconic Manly Ferries, the next step is to develop a fully-electronic look-alike Manly Ferry.
Repurposing Manly Town Hall into an entertainment hub will revitilise Manly. The effects of Climate Change – coastal erosion, bushfires and flooding, have to be planned for, and the need for more flexible sports fields. Of course, affordable housing is a priority as is supporting services for domestic violence, and mental health.
What is the best website for voters to get more information (including on your running mates)?
You can find out more about Good for Manly at: www.goodformanly.com.au
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @good_for_manly
Group B: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team
Sarah Grattan
Rachael Martin
David Cowell

Main candidate spotlight: Sarah Grattan
Why should we vote for you?
As Manly’s Councillor I know I make a real difference. Whether that’s helping our businesses, community groups and individuals deal with their pressing issues or improving Council’s strategies, systems, and critical decisions. I’m an experienced Councillor and held several senior management positions – currently as CEO of Lifeline Northern Beaches, a critical local charity.
I’ve a proven record as a strong, independent advocate for the local community on matters impacting them: transport, infrastructure, education, mental health, the environment and support for local businesses. As a qualified Board Director with extensive experience, I was unanimously appointed the sole representative on Council’s important Audit and Risk Committee.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about YNBIT at https://www.yournorthernbeaches.com.au/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook or Instagram @crsarahgrattan or LinkedIn
Group C: Labor
Brandt Clifford
Celine Varghese-Fell
Sam Pigram

Main candidate spotlight: Brandt Clifford
Why should we vote for you?
I aim to enhance Manly’s potential and address key issues like red tape, parking management, and business development. I have a background in health, safety, and environmental management, and advocating for healthier communities. With extensive experience in both private and public sectors, I have served on various committees and hold degrees in Applied Science and Business.
I aim to simplify the parking permit process and cut red tape to support local businesses. I am committed to further protecting the environment, focusing on areas like Cabbage Tree Bay and Manly Lagoon.
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram @laborformanly
Group D: Greens
Bonnie Harvey
Pamela Dawes
Terry Le Roux

Main candidate spotlight: Bonnie Harvey
Why should we vote for you?
I’m passionate about nature conservation, public justice and community connection. I’ve studied politics and socio-legal studies at USYD since 2020 and run a small tutoring business.
As your Councillor, I would seek to protect public assets and promote responsible re-prioritisation within Council’s budget (or lack thereof). I plan to advocate for more native greenery, recycling festivals and music. But that’s just the beginning! A vote for the Greens is a vote for leadership on pressing issues such as climate change, affordable housing and mental health. Let’s stay connected and build a more vibrant and sustainable Manly.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about Greens activities on Council and join our mailing list at www.manlygreens.org.au
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook or on Instagram @bon4manly
Click map for voting locations in Manly Ward

Group A: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team
Joeline Hackman
Nicholas Beaugeard
Nick McDonald

Main candidate spotlight: Joeline Hackman
Why should we vote for you?
You should vote for me because I am a passionate local professional and charity founder who truly understands the needs of our community. My focus is on addressing the housing crisis, protecting the environment, supporting small business and delivering quality infrastructure.
I have a proven track record in leading community initiatives with ‘Feed Our Medics’ and ‘Northern Beaches War On Waste’ as well as local business and sporting engagement. I will work tirelessly to address the community’s concerns and make our area an even better place to live.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about YNBIT at https://www.yournorthernbeaches.com.au/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow us on Instagram @ynbteam @joelinehackman @nickbeau1 @buckettys
Group B: Greens
Kristyn Glanville
Judy Lambert
Roberto Suares

Main candidate spotlight: Kristyn Glanville
Why should we vote for you?
Since 2021, I have been one of the ward councillors for Curl Curl. I’m passionate about protecting our local environment, supporting local arts, and promoting a sustainable and inclusive local community.
I work as a planning and environment lawyer and bring my professional experience to the council chambers to take a knowledgeable, collaborative, and measured approach to policy and problem solving. If re-elected, I will continue to defend our local bushland and environment such as Lizard Rock, promote affordable housing, introduce new ways for people to reuse, repair and recycle eg FOGO, and fight the sale of community assets.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about Greens activities on Council and join our mailing list at www.manlygreens.org.au
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook or Instagram @kristyn.greens
Group C: Jasper Thatcher for Labor
Jasper Thatcher
Carolyn Howells

Main candidate spotlight: Jasper Thatcher
Why should we vote for you?
If you want a councillor that prioritises improving the communities standard of living. I want to deliver cheaper and reliable council services with a focus on childcare. I will increase operating hours of council gyms and aquatic centres to accommodate community members working shift work and hours outside of the 9-5.
I have a passion for improving outdoor spaces and will make it my mission to restore Curl Curl Lagoon to the natural beauty it once was for the community. I’ll be a voice for our young people on council and stand up for our right to be able to afford to live in our electorate.
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Instagram @Jasperthatcherforcurlcurl
Click map for election day locations for Curl Curl ward.

Group A: The Greens
Ethan Hrnjak
Fathimath Ibrahim
Cooper Holdsworth

Main candidate spotlight: Ethan Hrnjak
Why should we vote for you?
Our Council should reflect a broad-cross section of our community and that includes young people. Over half (52.6 per cent) of all councillors in NSW are aged between 50 and 69. Those aged 18-29 are historically under-represented on local councils. This means that in many communities, the voices of young people are missing from debate and decision-making.
As your Councillor, I pledge to represent the values of our entire community – conserving our environment, being fiscally responsible and providing good governance. With these values, I hope that The Greens can provide a home for those voters feeling disenfranchised by the administrative errors of the Liberal Party, while also being progressive advocates for well-built affordable housing, improved environmental compliance and sustainability.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
My website can be found at greensoncouncil.org.au/ethan-hrnjak/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
You can get campaign updates from my Instagram and Facebook
Group B: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team
Sue Heins
Jody Williams
Penny Philpott

Main candidate spotlight: Sue Heins
Why should we vote for you?
I’m the current Mayor and former Deputy Mayor & Councillor and I am the recipient of the Minister’s Award for Women in Local Government. I have represented both Curl Curl and Narrabeen Wards in the past 12 years, and I’m happy to finally represent the area in which I live – Frenchs Forest Ward. My experience gives me a unique insight into the different needs in our areas across the Northern Beaches. I have a proven track record of ensuring Council protects our beautiful natural environment and I want to see Council take a more active role in ensuring Council utilises our facilities more – I was instrumental in creating the 24/7 Library in Forestville which is now a huge success.
My focus is to ensure appropriate development controls are in place for the new Frenchs Forest Town Centre, that the unique flora and fauna is protected for future generations, to ensure sufficient infrastructure is in place for families and for those with a disability and to enhance our enjoyment of the outdoors by providing more useable space and improving some of the aging parks.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about YNBIT at https://www.yournorthernbeaches.com.au/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Instagram @inspiringwomen
Click map for election day locations for Frenchs Forest ward.

Group A: Independent Vincent De Luca
Vincent De Luca
Robert Giltinan
Tammy Cook

Main candidate spotlight: Vincent De Luca
Why should we vote for you?
As a Councillor since 2008, as well as my professional and community experience, makes me an effective voice for the people I represent.
I will continue to block high-rise and inappropriate development, like I have successfully done over many years. I will continue to advocate for our surf clubs, sporting and community organisations; for more Police on the beat north of Narrabeen bridge; for services for youth suicide, drug, alcohol and domestic violence prevention. I have been a strong voice against rate rises and exposed the $25 million waste of ratepayers’ money on the 110 Executives at Council and the $3 million on their cars.
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook
Group B: Susan Wright for Labor
Sue Wright
Ryan O’Sullivan

Main candidate spotlight: Susan (Sue) Wright
Why should we vote for you?
Fourth generation Northern Beaches resident and local activist, Sue Wright, has been selected as the Labor candidate for the Narrabeen Ward in the 2024 NSW LGA Election. Sue stood as the Labor Candidate for Wakehurst in the 2023 State Election and worked with The Hon. John Graham, Minister for Roads, to secure $13 million in funding for the NB Council towards floodproofing the Wakehurst Parkway.
The community needs a balanced council. To have a balanced council, we need a Labor voice on council, one that can work collaboratively with other councillors. I would like to see our Council work with, not against, the Labor party in the state and federal governments for funding assistance on projects such as roads, infrastructure, affordable housing and coastal management.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
My website is https://labor4narrabeen.com/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook
Group C: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team
Ruth Robins
Chris Jackson
Adam Hughes

Main candidate spotlight: Ruth Robins
Why should we vote for you?
As the Narrabeen Ward Councilor, I’m an Elanora Heights resident who has worked hard for my community to make sure the people of the Narrabeen Ward have a voice and access to Council to resolve issues. My extensive experience working with local organisations makes me an effective advocate for the community.
My priorities are to address the housing challenge, improve community participation in decision making through improved consultation processes, protect the natural environment and natural waterways especially Narrabeen Lagoon, support and advocate for services to build a healthy, inclusive, safe and affordable community, and to spend money wisely to get the best value on behalf of our community.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about YNBIT at https://www.yournorthernbeaches.com.au/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Instagram @ruthrobins4narrabeenward
Click map for election day locations for this ward.
Group A: The Greens
Miranda Korzy
Evan Turner-Schiller
Felicity Davis

Main candidate spotlight: Miranda Korzy
Why should we vote for you?
I’m a journalist, activist, Mum and longtime Pittwater resident. I love our community and environment – which I believe we must protect for future generations. In the community, I’ve helped found Canopy Keepers, Protect Pittwater, and am a member of the Save Mona Vale Hospital committee.
On council, I’ve successfully fought rezoning of 3,600 Conservation Zones in Pittwater, secured a Tree Canopy Plan and advocated for better coastal management. My top priorities for next term are: ensuring new development rules protect Pittwater’s character; providing leadership on climate action and adaptation; improving compliance; and investment in tree management and bush regeneration.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Facebook or Instagram @miranda_korzy_greens
Group B: Your Northern Beaches Independent Team
Rowie Dillon
Judy Charnaud
Ian White

Main candidate spotlight: Rowie Dillon
Why should we vote for you?
I am the current President of the Newport Chamber of Commerce and actively involved in the community. I have proven myself to bring the business community together and have shown how my direct approach can affect real change at a grassroots level. During the past two years, I’ve worked with various large organisations, and State and Federal government to affect change.
My focus is to advocate for local business as their voice in council and across government, represent the different needs of the ward’s unique communities, be a community voice, by conducting myself with integrity and preserving our quality of life in Pittwater.
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find out more about YNBIT at https://www.yournorthernbeaches.com.au/
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Instagram @rowiecakes
Ungrouped candidates:

Mandeep Singh (Liberal affiliate)
Why should we vote for you?
Mandeep (Sunny) is a local business owner and a Northern Beaches resident for over 25 years. He lives with his wife and 6 month old son.
Sunny started and operates multiple successful cafes across the Northern Beaches, and has seen the impacts that poor council management has on small business and our community. If elected, Sunny will be a strong Liberal voice advocating against Council’s 25% rate rise which will cost ratepayers thousands of dollars each, and only heighten cost-of-living pressures.
Sunny will be an advocate for small business, stand against development without appropriate infrastructure, ensure proper maintenance and improvements to sporting facilities and public parks. He will also continue to advocate for off-leash trials for families with dogs on South Mona Vale Beach and North Palm Beach.
Who are your running mates?
I am a member of the Liberal Party running as an ungrouped candidate below the line. As I am ungrouped, due to the voting rules, residents who want a Liberal representative on Council will need to give a number 1 preference below the line for me and must give a number 2 preference for another candidate below the line.
What is the best social account for voters to follow?
Follow me on Instagram at @singh4pittwater or Facebook

Philip Walker (Friends of Mona Vale)
Why should we vote for you?
Pittwater Council commenced the ‘Mona Vale Place Plan’ ten years ago, but we still have nothing and Mona Vale is being neglected. As a ‘Council Watcher’ since 1985, I feel I can contribute.
The big issue for this Council Election is the ‘Budget Blow Out’, which, in my view, is due to overstaffing at senior management level and has resulted in the proposed 25 per cent rate increase. The amalgamated council was meant to provide ‘Increased Scale and Capacity’ to give us a reduction in costs, but the Northern Beaches Council has ‘Failed To Do So!’ The problem of the amalgamated council being too big for proper local representation. I say, ‘Bring Back Pittwater Council.’
What is the best website for voters to get more information?
You can find more information at https://friendsofmonavale.weebly.com/
Click map for election day locations for this ward.

Want to know even more? We highly recommend filling your political knowledge from the cup of the Tally Room.