Meet Chelsea Johnston (below, centre), the matchmaker determined to transform the dating scene for singles on the Beaches – barefoot.

On Sunday 5 June (updated after bad weather postponed the original 22 May launch) Chelsea will be bringing her creation ‘Solo at the Bowlo’ to the Harbord Bowling Club for a fun afternoon of speed bowls, music and mingling with other single folks from the area.
The Freshwater event follows a similar one in Chelsea’s home suburb of Bondi, which sold 150 tickets and, she promises, led to successful dates and happy couples.
“It’s a super casual day where everyone knows that everyone else is single but there’s no pressure and you can even bring your friends,” Explains Chelsea Johnston.
“The idea was a way to get off the dating apps so that you can get off your phone and stop texting a bunch of randoms.”
“The idea was a way to get off the dating apps so that you can get off your phone and stop texting a bunch of randoms. It’s more like a social event and an opportunity to meet people, make friends and potentially make a date.”
As a physiotherapist, Chelsea found herself sharing dating stories with colleagues, clients and friends who all spoke of disheartening experiences using dating apps. She knew there had to be a better way to meet other single people.
Instead of dedicating a whole evening to one date and realising that they weren’t ‘the one’ within the first three minutes, the idea was to find a way to meet a lot of singles all at once. And so, Solo at the Bowlo was born.
Before the event takes place, participants answer a questionnaire that is designed to find out about their ideal partner. Bowling teams of four or five are created from compatible answers, just to give Cupid a helping hand.

At the end of each game, the team swaps and plays against another group, so everyone gets the chance to meet each other. Afterwards, the music continues and so does the conversation. Or at least, that’s the idea.
The event is targeted at those between the ages 25-39 (ish). Tickets are $45 and include a drink on arrival. If it rains, the event will be postponed and ticket costs will be refunded.
More information:…/solo-at-the-bowlo…