An apartment and hotel complex in the heart of Manly has been locked down and its temporary residents unable to leave as authorities work to contain a COVID cluster within the compound.
The studio and apartment complex – known as Manly Waves Studios and Apartments or Manly Hotel on the corner of Pacific and Malvern Avenue – is now under constant guard to ensure guests remain and no unauthorised personnel enter the premises.
At 3pm this afternoon Manly Observer viewed a document signed by Dr Kerry Chant, declaring the site a “high risk covid premises.” The declaration was signed today and is in place for two weeks from tomorrow.
Medical staff in full PPE, as well as ambulance, COVID cleaners and now both police and security staff have been consistently seen at the main hotel and across the road in front of other units.
Neighbours say the property was vacant about a month ago but has been operating as “bit of a halfway house and emergency accommodation” during lockdown.
A spokesperson for Northern Sydney Local Health District this morning confirmed with us that they are managing a Manly hotel and that residents are not allowed to leave due to a COVID exposure. We understand there are up to half a dozen cases of COVID already associated with the block.
“Public health and infectious disease experts are providing ongoing advice and support to residents of a Manly hotel following a COVID-19 exposure,” the spokesperson said.
“Residents are required to isolate and get tested and health staff are assisting the guests with their welfare and health needs during this time.
The source of the COVID-19 infection is currently under investigation.”
Neighbours have been monitoring the venue with increasing concern over the last few days, particularly as they saw what appeared to be residents come and go during the night. Manly Observer directed all reports to be filed with Police.
When we attended the scene this morning there was Police guard and at least two other security officers as well as five or so people in full PPE. A caravan has been parked out the front along with a portaloo and there is discarded PPE along the footpath.
There are currently 12 active cases of COVID-19 in Manly, though it is unclear whether these cases are included in the total count given they are not usually residents.