Have you noticed a mural underway along the brick fence on Fairlight Street over the last month? We sent our spies (aka husband and son) on a quest and they discovered it’s the creative concept of the residents of the unit block, who commissioned artist Karla Hayes to bring the wall to life.
The artist said she had so many people stopping to compliment the beach artwork the project had taken longer than she had planned. Then the weather got in the way, too, but it is now officially complete.
“Obviously you can’t please everyone and there have been a select few vocal critics but I’d say on the whole community and commuters seem to love it.”
It’s certainly a new concept for a residential fence, and no doubt there are those who love and those who loathe the idea. But it gave our little family a smile, for what it’s worth.
Karla said the project was inspired by existing council initiatives in the area “employing amazing artists to beautify the area and reduce graffiti.”

“Northern Beaches is definitely leading in this area,” she said.
“The mural’s reception has been overwhelmingly positive. Obviously you can’t please everyone and there have been a select few vocal critics but I’d say on the whole community and commuters seem to love it.”