If you’re short on time here is the TLDR (too long didn’t read) on the tunnel issue as at 28 February, 2021.
A massive tunnel is planned to connect the Northern Beaches to other tunnels as well as Warringah Freeway, which will reduce travel times to the city and the west.
It’s essentially trying to deal with the Military Road and Spit Bridge pinch points. Many are happy about it because of current and projected congestion problems but there are plenty of eggs that will need to be cracked to make this omelette. For many residents of Balgowlah and Seaforth, there are so many cracked eggs they have lost their appetite.
While Beaches Tunnel advocates accuse detractors of ‘Nimbyism’ (Not In My Back Yard – ism), there are some very real environmental impacts to this project that do require a thorough look in and submissions asking the government to do that close tomorrow.
From dried up creeks and impacted endangered species to disturbed toxic sludge and six years of construction and traffic noise, plus a lot of ‘what ifs’ over air quality and dust, the project will continue to require a lot of attention to ensure the risks and damage don’t outweigh the transport benefits.
It may feel like a big win for residents a little further North of the construction zone, but it’s a hard hit for those in the epicentre, and for people who are quite fond of trees and animals…
This submissions process is about reducing the impact of that hit.
You can have your say here.