Magical Princess Party with Belinda Murrell at Berkelouw Balgowlah
You are invited to a magical princess party with award-winning children’s author Belinda Murrell to celebrate the first two books in her new junior fiction series The Daredevil Princess!
Come dressed up as a princess, prince, or bold adventurer.
We will have a short book reading, snacks and cakes, prizes for the best costumes, and an opportunity to get your book signed!
Join us 5-6pm on Thursday February 15, 2024.
Entry is FREE but please RSVP or phone 9948 1133 to confirm your space.
Where: Shop 24, 215 Condamine Street, Balgowlah, 2093, Sydney, AU
When: Thu, 15th Feb
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM